2024 James E. Hunter Golf Classic
Click here to register golfers or for sponsorship opportunities.
Our Mission
The James E. Hunter Association was founded on the idea that every student should be able to attend college without financial burdens.
We continue to carry this mission forward by awarding scholarships to all students excelling in and outside of the classroom.
2023 James E. Hunter Scholarship Awardees
2023 was another successful year thanks to our sponsors, donors, volunteers, and our highly dedicated team. We look forward to your continued support as we assist youth in obtaining educational excellence and cultivate them into responsible leaders for the community, in honor of Mr. James E. Hunter.
Thank You, Sponsors!
Abid Ahmad
Wayne State University
Major: Computer and Electrical Engineering
LaJoya Brown
Wayne State University
Major: Entrepreneurship
Ramya Byas
Michigan State University
Major: Political Science/Pre-Law
Angel Dawson
Louisianna State University
Major: Business Administration
Makayla Flowers
Wayne State University
Major: Social Work
Gabrielle Hinton
Georgia State University
Major: Finance
Norman Hurns Jr.
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Major: Supply Chain Management
Minor: Data Analytics
Demetrius Tyson
Michigan State University
Major: Political Science

Become A Volunteer
As a James E. Hunter volunteer, you will be engaged in all the events and have opportunities to meet and greet with our leaders and guests.

The Legacy
James Edward Hunter (March 8, 1954 – August 2, 2010) was a defensive back for the Detroit Lions in the National Football League. He was the 10th player picked in the 1976 NFL Draft. Hunter is 7th all-time for interceptions in Lions’ history.
Stay Connected!
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